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Designing an E-Commerce Website

Nowadays, we've been moving into a digital era. As you can see, you can pretty much do anything online, including your shopping. This is why it is so important for all you e-commerce businesses to stand out and allow your consumers to have the most positive of experiences they can have.

An e-commerce site gives you the chance to build up your brand, make connections, and sell more — however, it works best when you’ve got the right website design for you.

Your website’s design is a crucial element to your business. A good e-commerce site design is comprised of the right pictures, graphics, fonts, and colors — it will aid in convincing your potential customers in making a purchase.

To add on to that, yes you’re website needs to look good, but it also needs to attract people to take action and actually buy what you’re selling, right? But how is this done? Keep reading to find out…

High-Quality Photos/Videos

As you probably already know, images increase conversions; here is a recent case study that’s exhibits that the more relevant images you incorporate into your website, your conversions increase by over 40%. This statistic is even more true for e-commerce.

Nobody makes a purchase blindly, right? Using high-quality images will let your website’s viewers know

what they could be getting themselves into, so make sure the imagery you are using is on brand, aesthetically pleasing, and can sell what you want to sell. Customers feel more confident when making online purchases if they can really get a feel for the product. Try getting professionally done images with multiple angles to build that trust.

Product Reviews

When you are designing your e-commerce site, do your best to let your customers see your positive feedback. You can do this by adding a ratings section where people can rate your products, adding a testimonials section where you showcase customer’s quotes about their experience and a photo. You could even ask certain customers about their experience and add it to a blog or social media! The more social proof and trust you have, the better.

Can Easily Make Purchases

If your product page is clunky and visitors have to click around a bunch of sections or pages, well then that’s annoying and the visitor is most likely going to just click off your site. Making your product categories and pages easy to navigate is super important. Let it be easy and smooth for visitors to browse your site, find what they are looking for, and proceed to their smooth purchasing process. The simpler it is, the simpler it will be for your consumers to find and get what they want, and hopefully come back for more.

As for your checkout page, keep the design simple, easy to navigate, and clean. You could also add the option for the customer to register for your site or just let them check out as a guest. Remember to keep this whole process crystal clear; all the information you need to complete the purchase, the shipping options, all the return details if there are any problems, and so on.

When the purchase is completed, provide a confirmation page so that they know everything worked out fine.

Let’s wrap things up…

Designing an e-commerce site can get complicated, but hopefully these tips can help make it more easy breezy for you!

Use these tips and let us know how your website turns out!

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